The Fundación Cristina Heeren de Arte Flamenco has earned, over a period of 25 years, a solid reputation as a seed-bed for talented performers. Some come to us having heard of the excellent quality of our didactic programme, while others come to our attention through the contests that we have been holding for many years. The majority of our alumni go on to pursue successful carreers either as teachers, as is the case of many of our foreign students who establish schools in their home countries,  or, in the case of Spanish graduates, as solo performers or members of  important dance companies.

The sought-after prize consists of a scholarship that enables a talented young person to benefit from classes taught by prestigious teachers as part of a coherent and demanding didactic programme. In this way graduates such as Luisa Palicio, India Martínez, Rocío Bazán, María José Pérez, Jeromo Segura, Sebastián Cruz, Vicente Gelo, Lela Soto Sordera, Juan Tomás de la Molía and others have joined the professional music world.

Accompanying us on this exciting adventure is a group of sensitive supporters who share our consciousness of the need to preserve this unique artform by helping fresh talent to flourish. The most prominent of our collaborators is the company ACCIONA, our most loyal and generous benefactor who, in spite of the difficult conditions under which we all live due to the Pandemic,  renews, for the fifth consecutive year, its commitment to the  Talento Flamenco contests, an event which year after year has acted as a spring-board by propelling these talented young artists into the professional Flamenco world


Concursos Talento Flamenco 2024

Participa en nuestro concurso y fórmate profesionalmente de la
mano de los prestigiosos maestros del claustro de la escuela.

Bases Concursos Talento Flamenco 2024

“Manolo Soler”

Bases Concurso Talento Flamenco de Baile “Manolo Soler” 2024

“Naranjito de Triana”

Bases Concurso Talento Flamenco de Cante “Naranjito de Triana” 2024

Guitarra de Acompañamiento

Bases Concurso Talento Flamenco de Guitarra de Acompañamiento 2024